2025 CyberLink ColorDirector懶人包,推薦清單整理


CyberLink ColorDirector 6 Ultra

Easily Stylize Your Videos - Enjoy a range of professionally designed presets and super-intuitive tools that you can use to emulate well-known film looks.

CyberLink ColorDirector 6 Ultra

CyberLink ColorDirector 6 Ultra. CyberLink ColorDirector 6 Ultra. 製造商. CyberLink. 平台. Windows. 交貨類型. 下載. MSRP:$129.99. $89.99 USD. 您省下了$40.00 (31 ...

Steam 社群:

ColorDirector 讓影片也能有如Lightroom 等級的專業色彩調校!透過簡單步驟,快速為影片增添不同視覺層次,並與威力導演剪輯流程完美契合,成為專業剪輯高手必備的影片調色工具 ...

ColorDirector 365 - 功能特色

供應中 ColorDirector 是一款簡易上手的影片調色軟體。就像影片世界裡的Lightroom,為你的影片帶來最專業的色彩調校!

Cyberlink ColorDirector 8 Ultra [PC Download]

評分 1.7 (2) ColorDirector makes it possible for you to apply Lightroom-like color grading and color correction to video projects, producing amazing transitions in a few, ...

ColorDirector 365 - Features

Turn any video footage into a professional-looking production. Correct, balance, enhance, and stylize your clips to perfection.

How to Use ColorDirector for Advanced Color Grading

Color grading will enhance the quality of any video. In this tutorial, we'll show you how to access ColorDirector for advanced color grading.

Download CyberLink ColorDirector 365

供應中 Automatically replicate the color tones from any reference video. Fine-tune your look with enhanced color match controls. Every Frame Closer to Perfection

ColorDirector 365 (2021) - Precision Color Grading

... ColorDirector https://www.cyberlink.com/products/colordirector/features_en_US.html?affid=2581_1_1035&utm_source=youtube.com&utm_medium ...